Sweet Summer Time!

Sweet Summer Time!
New Found Love

Cloud Nine Rose

Cloud Nine Rose
Wish for Summer

Friday, October 18, 2013


God really got it right when he decided we needed what we call "Fall". 
I look at it as a time for great change. 

I begin by cleaning out the garden. Everything starts to wilt and curl and mold. Its time to cut out what was once fresh and new, but now is dead and rotting. 
In a sense thats how life can be. Every once in a while we need to get rid of the tireless, old rotting stuff and re-fresh once again!

I really enjoy this process. The garden looks fresh and is ready and waiting for Spring again. There is a feeling of accomplishment and anticipation of change.

This year our change is cleaning out closets and rooms. Our oldest son has moved to a different town and is realizng his reality of change and what that means for him.
We too are figuring that out as well. With that move, we have been forced to re-arrange our world as well. Cleaning out closets, washing walls, a coat of new paint in what was once an old space, now a new fresh space. Waiting for change to move in.

The leaves are beginning to change to a beautiful new color, soon to drop to the ground. Ready to be blown in the wind to a new place.
Everything needs to experience change.

What will your change be the Fall? 
Handspun Rommney Wool Getting ready to change

Change a beautiful shade of Fall Sky!