Sweet Summer Time!

Sweet Summer Time!
New Found Love

Cloud Nine Rose

Cloud Nine Rose
Wish for Summer

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Marigold Shawl from The Sock Report

Christmas Tree's at Devils Churn in the Winter

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Year of Gratitude

Thanksgiving, a time to reflect on the past year and take stock in the blessings of your life. This year has been filled with many life blessings and life lessons. It's difficult to look at the hard times as life lessons and not negative times. 
I have been working on "Lessons in Gratitude" this past month. I have been looking at any negative and trying to find something positive that I can be grateful for. 
There are so many things to have Gratitude for. When the negative becomes too overwhelming it's most likely time for me to re-think it. At this point I have figured out that its up to me to change my mind and make it positive. 
I have decided that Gratitude has to be a way of thinking every day or its easy to dive into the depths of despair. Its difficult to pull up out of that. 
So I pull myself up by my boot straps and put my big girl socks (knit by me) on, and walk tall with gratitude and grace!!!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Delectable and Wonderful Fiber! What a joy this batt has been to spin! I haven't counted the yardage yet but I think that I have about 400 yards! I'm not too sure what I will knit with it. Such soft and spongy yarn. I can hardly wait to feel it in my hands as I knit it.
Merino 80%, Silk/Flash 20%

Friday, September 14, 2012

Fall Knitting and Spinning

Fall is here! Today it will be about 85 degrees in Eugene... Imagine that! Fall?? How strange. Last night I sat on my deck and spinning in the warm air until dark. It was joyful. I have the next 5 days off of work to enjoy the last days of Summer and be reminded that Fall is just sneaking in the back door. I plan to knit and spin as much as I can out side.

Raspberry Silk on my Turkish
I'm working on a lovely pattern from the new Sock Report called Marigold. I'm knitting it in a Zauberball, which  is a green/black/gold coloring. Maybe I'll take a nap or two as well...

Sunday, June 17, 2012


My favorite time of year is finally here. The warm Summer days to clear my brain. Sitting on the deck with my knitting or my wheel.  Coffee beside me, the birds singing.... sigh.... Peace.
These feelings are all wonderful, even when life is full of struggles. I know where I can find a bit of paradise.
Right in my backyard!
Thank you God for Summer.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Joyful March

I love March! I know its my birthday month, but I think even if it wasn't my birthday month I would still love it. 
Winter is almost over, I can see blue sky more than grey clouds.
The rain doesn't even bother me. The air is fresh and I can smell the ground begin to give way to little sprouts of flowers. Smell? Why yes, I can smell the earth starting to thaw out and get ready for me to dig in it. Its a fresh, earthy pungent smell. The earth is waking up and so are my senses. 
I can walk outside with only a shawl on my shoulders and feel warm and ready to receive the blessings of Gods Wonder all around me. There is so much Joy in that feeling for me. My senses are ready to receive Gods gift. 
Sense of Joy is all around us. You just need to open your heart, close your eyes and let it in. 
Eiki Shawl, My handspun

Happy Spring, Happy Joy! 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Grateful For The Day

Its just amazing to me that the month of January is coming to an end. When I look back at the beginning of the year I really have to reflect on "Hows this New Year Working for Ya, Tammie?". 
So far, so good. The twins turned 18, Luke finally got his drivers license! John ( my oldest) is still working at his 2 day a week job and hasn't complained once about riding his bike at 11pm and coming home at 4am in the freezing driving rain. We fondly refer to is as "Johns Boot Camp 101". My middle son is living life and loving it with the "Girl of his Dreams", his term. She's sweet, we just have to slow the freight train of love down every once in a while. As in" No your too young to think about marriage!" 
Yep! There is never a dull moment in the Lindsey household. 
I have finally found a job that I believe I will work at until I am ready to retire from the world of teeth!!! Thats a mouth full! No pun intended, since that whole industry is not for the faint of heart.
I have to remind myself daily to keep my "Gratefulness factor up", thats what I have always called it. Sometimes its not easy. The true test is to remind myself daily to keep being thankful for all I have. Some days I wake up and everything seems to be good in my world. By 9am I could be changing my mind about that. Depends on the other people that live in my world with me. Thats when I step back take a breath and say, "Ok here we go, how can we make this better and learn from it?" Thats where my faith comes in. By the end of the day, I can look back and say Thank you God, that wasn't so bad. We got through that. Now on to the next day!"  THANK YOU GOD!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

First Handspun Of 2012

Merino/Silk 2012